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Create Your Opt-In from Start to Finish
Introduction (2:03)
Creating the Content
Module 1: Topic & Title (7:18)
Your Turn: Topic & Title
Module 2: Content Creation (5:35)
Your Turn: Content Creation
Module 3: Intro & Conclusion (4:15)
Your Turn: Intro & Conclusion
Module 4: About Me Page (4:03)
Your Turn: About Me Page
Module 5: Worksheets (2:15)
Your Turn: Worksheets
Design Your Opt-In
Module 6: Design (54:34)
BONUS: Where to Find Photos & Graphics
Marketing Your Opt-In
Email Marketing & Landing Pages (5:50)
Facebook & Instagram (5:17)
Pinterest (2:47)
Bonus! Extra Ideas
Module 2: Content Creation
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